Code Blue 2025
Gear List


Race Gear

 Mandatory Team Gear – to be carried at all times

-writing utensil


-cell phone, preferably in a dry bag or several ziplocks

-First Aid Kit – to include at a minimum 4 bandaids, pain reliever, and an Ace wrap

-Waterproof map case - major race maps will be waterproof, but some secondary maps and instructions will be printed on heavy stock paper

Mandatory Individual Gear – to be carried at all times


-means to carry at least 50oz of liquid

Mandatory Individual Biking Gear

-flashing red tail light

-bike helmet

-bike - for both the 3 and 8 hr races, any bike is acceptable. All roads should be paved.

Mandatory Paddling Gear

Canoes, PFDs, and paddles will be provided for the 8 hr teams. For teams choosing to use their own PFD’s and paddles, gear will be transported to/from race HQ to paddle area by race management.

Recommended Gear

-long pants/long sleeve shirt for 8 hr teams

-dry bag

-Bug spray

-sun screen, sunglasses

-waterproof map case

-bike pump or CO2 system

-bike patch/repair kits

Prohibited Items


-Fire arms

-Communication devices

-Motorized means of transport

register for Code Blue